
Showing posts from July, 2023

You Aren't What You Were

  None of you are what you were but what you were makes you what you are.    The truth about Truth is that it is, and has always been, a stumbling block. Even for many who believe, it is, according to Christ, intended to be so. 1  Truth gives us the reason and opportunity to change. Without it, it is impossible to repent and the chains of ignorance which hold us captive are maintained. It, truth, is the conveyance of accurate knowledge which, in a gospel sense, is dispensed by heaven as revelation. Truth drives, if not forces, the use of agency which in turn renders us accountable before God and is the warrant for him to dispense just judgments. 2,3   Jehovah’s appointing a servant as a “a  light  to the gentiles, that you may be my salvation unto the end of the earth” 4 make ready the conditions which impose upon Jehovah’s people, indeed all people, a choice.    Choose what is bitter—the darkness of spiritual blindness 5  or, pay attent...