God who gave us life gave us liberty
Thomas Jefferson, third U.S. President and drafter and signer of the Declaration of Independence, understood as well as anybody the critical need in society for God and His laws to always have standing; status in society, a position and good reputation among humanity from which rights and duties of citizens may be affirmed and guided.
He avowed, “God who gave us life gave us liberty.” He further questioned, “And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever…” [1] If that was Jefferson’s thought in the early 1800’s, he lived from 1743 to 1826, then imagine his reaction if he could observe us today. He did not say, “I would tremble,” he said “I tremble,” implying that he could see the current course of the country and its eventual encounter with God’s wrath and justice should it not course correct.
Jefferson, crediting God, knew and envisioned that to the citizens of this nation had been delivered a form of government that would enable them to become a prosperous nation.
Safeguarding and maintaining the liberty and prosperity of this land requires a righteous and reverential fear and awe of Jehovah. Absent that, Jefferson argued, God’s wrath would be summoned against those transgressing His law and word. Biblically, generally speaking, apostasy and relying on the arm of flesh accompany prosperity. Though not thought to be prophetic, Jefferson likely knew from his contemporaries and tales of his ancestors, that as John Adams put it, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I do not know, specifically because Jefferson is not here, but if he could see our day, I’m confident that he would feel vindicated that what he afeard has come to pass.
Jefferson was not a lone voice from whom we have a warning, who shared concern regarding the situation in which we find ourselves today. Among others, long before Jefferson, Isaiah too had something to say about a nation who no longer lived with “a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the Gift of God.”
Said Isaiah, “For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of Hosts.” “’The people’ or ‘this people’ suggests a broken covenant with God. When he has a covenant people, he refers to them as ‘His people’ or ‘My people.’” What covenant has been broken? The one that was companion to residency on this land – the Promised Land.
He continues, “Therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel [or in our case covenant breakers] head and tail, branch and rush, in one day. The ancient, [older, wiser people] he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed. Therefore, the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows; for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand stretched out still.”[2] Excepting those with a current covenant with God, it appears few escape the unpleasant experience of His judgment.
Jefferson warned, His wrath and justice would accompany our abandonment of Him. We are “there,” living in His wrath and His continuing justice. Isaiah, a prophet, was shown our circumstance by God. Jefferson, merely a brilliant guy and leader, saw what would happen if we stayed on this path. You and I can see where the paths our children are on lead well before they get there. When our children get to wherever “there” is, we’re usually not far from right.
We are “there,” that “there” which Isaiah and Jefferson warned about. We may be shocked when we look around but, like parents and their children, neither Jefferson nor Isaiah would be too surprised it is the path we chose.
Remember, Isaiah said this would happen.
1. --Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, p. 237.
2. RE 2 Nephi 9:13 LE Isaiah 9:17
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